
words from a Christian, a wife, a mother, a reader.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The wonders of scotch tape

Tape. Tape. Tape. My oldest daughter LOVES scotch tape. She has discovered that we use tape to mend our books when they have a little tear in order to keep them from tearing more. Now she is constantly on the look out for any small tear in a book and we MUST fix it immediately. We have a system - I fix one side and she fixes the other. It works for us.

I feel like being deep and meaningful, so I found a spiritual application for this. Isn't it best to address our sin when it first starts rather than waiting until it's become such a habit that our hearts are hardened? The Holy Spirit wants to be our tape. But not only does he mend it, he makes our hearts like new. What a promise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of my 11 yr old. He is a tape maniac. Give him tape, cardboard and some scissors. He is a happy camper!


5:45 AM  

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