
words from a Christian, a wife, a mother, a reader.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Is it possible to have too much music?

The next question is probably "How many CDs does a person really need?" Yesterday afternoon and evening J and I decided to sort our CDs to see if we had any we'd be happy to part with (for a price!). We have all of our CDs recorded onto the computer so we have our own little jukebox, which is very handy. For example, we've started doing just 5 min pickups in each room. This is particularly helpful in the evenings when we're wiped out but need to pickup. Knowing that we have only 5 minutes makes us work harder and then we're done. Normally our combined 5 minutes (so a total of 10) can make a big difference and we're satisfied with that. So J made a playlist on the computer of songs that are between 5 min and 5 min 30 sec long. We push play and it randomly selects a song. We know that each song is 5 min so we do just one song (or two or three, depending on what we've agreed) and then we're done! It's brilliant.

But back to the CD culling... we did a similar exercise about 18 months ago, before we moved into our current house. We probably sold 20-30 CDs for some quite good prices too. Well, last night we managed to sort out another 50 CDs to get rid of. Some of them we will simply never get rid of because of memories attached to particular songs or the fact that we still regularly listen to that music. But others, well, we've just moved on I suppose. So if you're interested in some Aaron Jeffrey CDs or Clay Crosse, let me know!

By the way, we still have at least 150 CDs so we're not going to be silent around here for a while.


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